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Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce
  -  Chamber Membership   -  Meet Program Coordinator Ryan Robles

Where are you from originally?

I grew up here in LA in the San Fernando Valley; just over the hill North on the 5 Fwy.

When did you start working at the Chamber?

I started working at the Chamber as an intern about a year ago and became the Program Coordinator after Candy went to study in London. I’ve been with the Chamber for almost two years this June at Summer Garden Party.

Favorite thing about your job:

My favorite things about my job are finding innovative ways to market the My Beverly Hills program, Chamber events, and all the networking opportunities! My favorite events are the Networking Breakfast, Young Professionals, and Economic Development Council luncheons.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I really like going to the movies, researching sustainability, and traveling. My fiancé and I make it a goal to travel two or three times a year.

What are the best and worst things about living in LA?

Best: There is so much to do in LA!

I think it is safe to say the worst thing about living in LA is the traffic! I’ve learned to accept it…not really, I’m still trying to avoid it as much as possible.

Any advice for Chamber members:

There are many opportunities for your business to grow as a member. Start by being active and making connections. I also suggest utilizing complimentary marketing benefits such as our educational blog features and Member Monday posts. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested at

Three bucket list items

  1. Travel to all 50 States
  2. Swim with Whale Sharks
  3. Travel to space (currently waiting on Elon Musk)

What is one thing you wish you could tell your fifteen-year-old self?

Don’t get discouraged when you’re in a new environment, use it as an opportunity to grow.

If you could have one superhuman power, what would it be?

The power of Teleportation.

How do you balance school, volunteering, working at In-N-Out, and the Chamber?

At first it was difficult but after having a routine it made it easier. There is so much going on, so using a planner helps. I’m also up really early; for a brief moment I was waking up at 5am/6-ish and going to bed at 2 am.

What excites you the most about graduating college?

Being able to continue my education without having to do homework.