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Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce
  -  “How to’s”   -  Podcasting for Health Professionals

Frenchy Digital’s recent Health Talk webinar with the Chamber focused on the importance of Podcasting for Health Professionals and provided some helpful tips on how to get started. In case you weren’t able to join us, please enjoy this short recap!

What is a podcast?

Podcasts are a form of recorded digital audio episodes, sometimes incorporating video, that are available on demand over the internet. Podcast audiences are on a rise and recent statistics show that 51% of Americans have used the platform at least once prior to COVID-19 (Frenchy Digital). It is very likely this number has grown since then as people of all ages become increasingly attached to and dependent upon online services. Many streaming services, like Spotify, have expanded their content to include access to podcasts for their users. 

Why should I start podcasting?

Podcasting is a growing platform for doctors and other health professionals to reach patients in a new and informative way. In person consultations can help create a strong relationship with patients, but they are often restricted by the purpose of the patient’s visit. Podcasting enables healthcare professionals to educate their patients and peers to a greater extent regarding the topics they consider most valuable and which may not receive enough attention during a routine visit. 

What is the first step in developing my podcast?

It’s helpful if you start by identifying a specific focus for your podcasts. If your episodes are very unorganized and disconnected, they may not be able to maintain a secure following. Instead, develop a niche focus so that those who are similarly interested in your topic will want to listen in to more than one episode. 

How often should I post an episode?

Before posting your first podcast episode, it’s a great idea to first compile eight finished episodes. This preparedness will allow you to post on a routine schedule of your choosing without the stress of constantly needing to prepare another episode during busy weeks. 

How can I make more people want to listen to my podcast?

Develop your authority in your podcast by speaking about topics you care about and are knowledgeable of. It is especially helpful to introduce guest professionals in your podcasts as listener’s will appreciate multiple perspectives. You may also receive more followers as fans of your guests tune into episodes and become regular listeners. 

We’d like to give a big thank you to Frenchy Digital for providing this great information in their Health Talk! Members can exclusively access the meeting recap by logging in using their unique username and password on the Chamber website here and clicking ‘Resources’. If you’d like to connect with Frenchy Digital, visit their website and follow them on Instagram @Frenchydigital.