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  -  Member Spotlight   -  Kidsave’s Life-saving work in Ukraine
Kidsave’s Life-saving work in Ukraine
Support a brave charity and double your impact

Since 2016, Kidsave has been deeply involved in helping older orphans and children languishing in institutionalized care in Ukraine be reunited with family, find adoptive families, or successfully transition into independent living through our Corporate Mentoring Program and our Family Mentoring Program.

med res 2 1But when the invasion of Ukraine began last February, our team on the ground moved immediately into action to help rescue and provide aid to those in war zones and get them to safety. To date, 30,000 have been rescued.

Because of the recent extensive and ongoing damage to Ukraine’s power grid, thousands are living without consistent heat and power. Millions of homes have been damaged or destroyed by missile strikes and shelling, forcing families to live in basements, rooms without windows or roofs, or wherever they can find some means of shelter.

Now it’s winter and the average nighttime temperature in Mykolaiv is 23 degrees Fahrenheit (-5 degrees Celsius). Without a means for power and heat, many may not survive the winter.

Kidsave’s drivers — called “Angels of Hope” by the Ukrainians they have rescued — continue to evacuate people from dangerous areas where few others are willing to go. Meeting the changing needs, they and many volunteers are assembling and delivering home repair kits with tarps, plywood, planks, and tools to help people fortify their homes against the cold. They are also providing people with generators, wood-burning stoves, firewood, blankets, and winter clothing.

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Please help us help them. Your donation will be doubled through year-end! Visit to give today.

Kidsave was founded in 1999, and finds permanent, loving families for older kids growing up in foster care or orphanages, in the U.S., Ukraine and Sierra Leone. It’s proven family visit model gives kids a voice and a choice in who becomes their family. Learn more at