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Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce
  -  Business Features   -  4 TIPS * HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT PHOTOGRAPHER by Starla Fortunato

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In Our IMAGE Driven World, Your Visual Brand Matters.

Choosing the right photographer to showcase your Brand is essential to monetizing your business
and profits.

A tiny bit of research can save you time, money and stress.

If you’re at that pivotal point in your business where it’s time to take new photos or even more scary – professional photos for the first time. How do you choose the right professional with so many friends, friends of friends and more calling themselves photographers?

4 Tips On How To Choose The Right Photographer

1. Ask Your Social Media Connections For A Referral.

Be sure to mention the type of photography you’re looking for: Branding, Celebrity  – Media, *Digital Marketing, Family Portraits, Wedding etc.  Do ask your referral what their personal experience was with this photographer.

2. View Their Website

They must have a website with their current work – no if ands or buts. If he/she says “that’s old school – look at my Instagram account….”, it’s a red flag for amateur time. A professional photographer is a business, and a business needs to show you what they do and the services they offer, photographers are no different. A website is our portfolio of work and shooting style. Typically shown are: examples of images showing skill level, client testimonials, and social media links.. Does the work you see wow you into exploring further with a phone call.?

3. Have A Phone Conversation, A Zoom Call, Coffee meeting or all 3.

Are you comfortable talking with this person?
Are they interested in the types of images you’re looking to create?
Do they offer different price points and types of photo sessions?
Ask them what they charge after you’ve explained your image needs.
Give her/him a chance to put a bid together of what is included.
How many photos do you receive?
Do you receive photo rights to print and use as needed?

4. How Many Years Have They Been A Full Time Photographer?

Your Photographer needs to have at least 5 years of full time shooting experience, 10 years to be really safe.  Otherwise, they will be learning on your dime and time.

By Starla Fortunato: Luxury Content Photographer

IG: @starlainla
Contact email: to plan your next photo shoot

Video Link — Behind The Scenes: 

e Starla HS Parisan 14A7714