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The Season Of Giving Is Upon Us

It’s officially Fall here in Beverly Hills. The weather is getting cooler, sweaters are making a return, and the smell of pumpkin spice lattes is fragrant in the air – all signs of a change in seasons. Soon, we’ll be getting ready for a series of holidays leading up to the end of the year. In just November alone, you’ve got Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and finally Giving Tuesday. All of these holidays are about giving back and signal the start of the Giving Season which leads us to the end of 2023. Here in the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce, we all understand the importance of supporting each other and in turn, the value each of these holidays bring to various sectors of the economy.

Coming from the nonprofit space, Giving Tuesday is a critical fundraising event that helps us attract new donors and engage with current supporters interested in making a greater social impact. Just to give you some perspective, Classy’s State of Modern Philanthropy 2022 report showed that organizations receive 10 times more donations on this day than on an average giving day. As you can see, it really can be a game changer, especially for smaller organizations. Some people swear there’s a magic to the day. That’s because entire communities get together to make a tangible difference in the world by rallying around nonprofits that need our support.

The question for you: Is there a particular cause that you are passionate about? Are you involved with any organization? If not, maybe you should consider your priorities and reevaluate ahead of this Giving Season. We all can make differences in our communities in various ways, you just need to take the step and start. Some people like to donate monetarily, others like to use their valuable time and volunteer, but whatever your interest is, there is definitely a way you can use it to impact people, whether it’s big or small.

The Chamber has a variety of nonprofit organizations that you can learn more about, but I’m here to spotlight Living Advantage, Inc. (LA, Inc.). The organization is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. That’s 30 years of providing valuable services to probation, at-risk, and foster youth. The great thing about the organization is that pretty much every cause you could be passionate about is encapsulated in its mission. Take for example, some people are passionate about mental health, helping the homeless, or feeding the hungry. In different ways, LA, Inc. works to make sure that at-risk youth are taking care of their mental health, staying off the streets, and are getting the resources they need so they don’t go hungry. In all of these areas, your specific passions can be used for the furthering of LA, Inc.’s mission.

An easy way to get involved is by joining LA, Inc.’s 33/30 Campaign. The Campaign is focused on the number three. The goal is to get 3,000 people to donate a minimum of $3.30 a month. If they achieve that goal, the organization can serve 300 foster youth a year. This is just one way you can support, but they also accept one-time donations as well.

Giving Tuesday Save the DateAhead of Giving Tuesday, LA, Inc. will be hosting a fundraising event. This is a great opportunity to come out and learn more about the organization’s impact and the important work its doing to
change the lives of youth who often don’t have a strong support system. The event will take place on Thursday, November 9 at Fogo de Chao Beverly Hills, a business that is active in the
Chamber. All the details are still in the works, but in the meantime, check out LA, Inc.’s social media and website to get updates.

As you look ahead to the end of 2023, consider helping out your local businesses, charities, or other nonprofit organizations. Find a way to get involved so that you can change the world. It takes a village to make a difference. But together, we can be the change this Giving Season.

LA, Inc. Team Picture IMG 3485