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Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce
  -  Staff Feature   -  A Farewell to Michelle

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It is with heartfelt words that we announce Director of Membership Michelle Green will be departing from her position at the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce.

She has been serving our chamber and community in a variety of capacities for more than five years. We cannot express enough how thankful we are for all she has done for not only the Chamber and its members, but the Beverly Hills business community, as a whole. We will truly miss her positive energy, fun sense of humor, personable spirit and caring nature as she embarks on a new path. Thank you for everything, Michelle and we wish you nothing but the best!

While the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce is sad to see her go, we look forward to continuing to serve our beloved business community in 2021!

A note from Michelle:

It is with a very heavy heart that I announce my resignation as Director of Membership for the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce effective January 31, 2021. Most of you know the story of my journey that brought us out to Los Angeles five and half years ago and guided me to my new family 3,000 miles away from home, the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce. I instantly fell in love with the team and with our Members. I always said that I am our best testament of all that you can achieve by engaging with our Chamber. In just a few short years, I went from not knowing anyone to being the business matchmaker in Beverly Hills, all because of our Chamber.

I have been honored to work with such an amazing team. From the most engaged Board of Directors of an organization that I have had the pleasure to work with, to the close-knit staff made of extraordinary talented individuals who bring so much to the table and I admire and respect deeply. I would like to especially thank President & CEO Todd Johnson and CFO Farimah Fayyad for welcoming my family and me with open arms. It has been a joy working and learning alongside you, but most importantly, I have immense gratitude for providing the extraordinary opportunity for me to succeed.

It has been a pleasure to work with so many dedicated individuals, staff & engaged Members alike (especially our Ambassadors & Committee Members). Please know, my reason to depart is only one of personal circumstances to be closer to my mother during these challenging times when she needs me the most.

With that, I would like to announce that Nick Lara will be transitioning to Director of Sales and will be overseeing the Membership Department going forward.  Of course, you will still be able to connect with Membership Coordinator Elisabeth Rojtman, who is available to assist with your Membership needs.

Lastly, I want to thank my entire Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce family. If this last year has taught me anything, it is that we can still stay connected and thrive virtually. Please connect with me on LinkedIn where you will be able to keep up to date with future opportunities.

– Michelle Green

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