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GLAUDI by Johana Hernandez  has been making dream gowns for now 12-years since launching GLAUDI, the romance continues as a GLAUDI Spring fashion show will take place in the iconic Beverly Cañon Gardens on 3.25.23. Featuring a beautiful, outdoor fashion show with waterfalls and stunning landscapes, taking you on a garden-dream runway wedding, showcasing models of all shapes and sizes with also evening

Kidsave’s Life-saving work in Ukraine Support a brave charity and double your impact Since 2016, Kidsave has been deeply involved in helping older orphans and children languishing in institutionalized care in Ukraine be reunited with family, find adoptive families, or successfully transition into independent living through our Corporate Mentoring Program and our Family Mentoring Program. But when the invasion of Ukraine began last February, our team

Good Geofencing = Smart Marketing: How Geofencing Advertising Can Help You Target Your Audience and Eliminate Waste in Your Digital Marketing Campaigns Have you ever walked out of a local business and been prompted on your smartphone almost immediately by Google to write a review? If so, you were targeted using geofencing technology. While there are many ways to employ location-based mobile advertising tactics, the practice

Do you have a cherished pet that you love as a true family member? A dog or cat (or bird or reptile, etc) that sleeps in bed with you, cuddles with you while you watch tv, or follows you all over the house? If so, do you struggle to capture great photos of them and those amazingly cute and special things they do?

Take chance on change and breathe new life into your hair with professional hair color! Andrew Locke Hair Beverly Hills provides luxurious and restorative hair color options for everyone!  The results are hydrating, shiny, beautiful color and highlights that will keep you hair in its best shape! With 20 years in the beauty industry, Andrew Locke offers a full-service, immaculate studio salon for customers