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There are a number of new laws that went into effect in 2021 that impact businesses. Here are some of the key ones to be aware of: Expansion of California’s family medical leave law With the passage of Senate Bill (SB) 1383, businesses with five or more employees must provide up to 12 weeks of annual unpaid, job-protected leave for family and medical needs. Further

It is with heartfelt words that we announce Director of Membership Michelle Green will be departing from her position at the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce. She has been serving our chamber and community in a variety of capacities for more than five years. We cannot express enough how thankful we are for all she has done for not only the Chamber and its

As a member of the chamber, we understand the importance to look and feel your best. If you are looking to establish a healthier self this year, we are here to remind you that delicious, healthy meals are not too far from you (on N. Beverly Dr across from Crate & Barrel to be exact)! We have plenty of options that will make