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Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce
  -  Business Features   -  Carroll Custom for the Holidays | A Message from John Carroll

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As we look ahead to the holidays, we realize this will be a holiday season like no other, coming off a year like no other. Our family gatherings and events will be smaller as we stay closer to home.

This year has been challenging for all of us and my small Carroll Custom shop is no exception. There hasn’t been much of a demand for custom suits and jackets (no surprise there) so my inventory has shifted to a more casual feel. Suede & leather jackets, cotton sweat suits, cashmere knitwear, some wonderful flannel sport shirts – I’ve been able to find some great ideas for the holidays which will surely delight the classic Carroll customer.

Cashmere sweatshirtI’m still working with a lot of the fine Italian and Scottish manufacturers who we have been working with for many years. Quality is still of the utmost importance and I think you will be pleased when you visit our shop in The Courtyard on Canon Drive.

I wish you a very safe and healthy holiday season. Let’s all enjoy a better year ahead.

John Carroll

Carroll Custom | 427 N. Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210 | 310-273-9060 | | We gift wrap and ship anywhere.