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  -  Business Features   -  Farewell to Candy: Good luck in London!

Candy started at the Chamber mid-March 2016. Since then she has helped coordinate dozens of our events and programs as well as spearhead many of our marketing and social media efforts. In June 2017 she graduated from UCLA and started preparing for a new adventure, Graduate School in London! It’s a bittersweet feeling that Candy has left the Chamber, but we wish her the best of luck in continuing her education at the London School of Economics.

Position at the Chamber:

Marketing Coordinator


Where are you from originally?

Cotton-farming town in the Central Valley called Corcoran, CA


What were you doing before you started working at the Chamber?

I was a full time student at UCLA.


Why are you going to London?

I am going to attend the London School of Economics to receive my Masters Degree in Communication; but growing up I’ve always dreamed about living in London. Even though I’ve never been before, London has always stood out to me as a place I could potentially start my career.


What was your favorite thing about your job:

Being surrounded by genuinely good people every day, the extremely dog-friendly office, and the food.


What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Between work and school, I don’t have a lot of free time, but of course I like to spend time with my friends. I love to cook and try out new restaurants around town, and I’ve recently started to enjoy working out. I’m always searching the internet for the newest lifestyle change to implement that will revolutionize my life.


One piece of advice for Chamber members:

Go to more of our educational events like our workshops, Power Breakfasts, and talks! While our networking events are great, there’s nothing like gaining new knowledge from hearing really smart individuals speak about something they’re passionate about.


What were the best and worst things about living in LA?

I actually love LA and everything it represents. The only thing I hate is the parking situation – I’ve definitely received my fair share of parking tickets.


Three bucket list items: 

  • Go to a Wimbledon finals match
  • Visit the Amazon Rain forest
  • Own a Saint Bernard


What is one thing you wish you could tell your fifteen year old self:

Read more literature, stop picking fights with Mom, and don’t be such a hopeless romantic.


If you could have one superhuman power, what would it be?

I’ve always wanted to be able to read minds and use it to my advantage. I could pretend to be psychic and open up my own fortune-telling facility.


When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I remember in kindergarten I wanted to work in a bank. For a long time, I thought I was going to be an author. Then for a while I wanted to be a film composer (I still cannot write music).