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Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce
  -  “How to’s”   -  Things to do in Beverly Hills

megan johnsonzucro

First things first, you have to be found online somehow. Things to do in Beverly Hills is excited to be sharing the opportunity to list your business and events on for FREE. A local online business advertising directory, their aim is to help businesses get found online and have achieve this by building every business their own page website (micro-site) this helps massively with SEO search engine optimization in other words getting their business found online organically (naturally) not using ad words, etc.

A new business that does not have their own website by using the directory provided by Things to do in Beverly Hills. Businesses won’t even need one as all the info and links to their social media contact info etc on the micro-site that was build them, with a one-off fee of $100.00 to build this.

Their company will be advertising on social media platforms and show they’re business to all visitors on the website (thousands) weekly.

All towns and cities link together for maximum exposure of their products or services. With thousands of page one search terms for businesses that list on the directories.

Also, having the largest search term worldwide for people and families visiting a new town, city, or country so they have the best of both worlds. “All things local in one place”

All things to do in Beverly Hills has just launched new designed sites one being where businesses can add their own business free of charge, they won’t get the benefits of SEO and won’t be promoted on social media or receive a one page website but nevertheless they can show their business to the visitors free of charge and they are welcome to list any upcoming events for free and job vacancies. They are all things local in one place.

There is also, a lot of information on and the bottom of the sites it shows most of the towns and cities we have up and running and the latest ones that are new.

Oh, yes the most important bit costs from just $79.00 per month and no contract to be tied into, what savvy business owner would say no to getting this much exposure for the cost of half a cup of coffee a day.

Some of the Benefits.

Black BH Advert

The Franchise:

Recently decided to franchise the directory so that a sales person can have their own business in the town they live in, example or

The idea is that the franchisee owns Things to do in their town and add businesses on through 1. Field sales (going out and talking to business owners face to face) 2. Using LinkedIn, 3, face book Instagram and twitter tic toc maybe. 4. Telesales 5. Email etc

They now have a business where they can earn a fantastic residual income and the potential to increase their range in other words taking on new towns.

The most important bit for a franchisee is they now have a business with no RENT no RATES no UTILITIES no STAFF (unless they want some sales guys to work on a commission basis) they don’t have to build the microsites as we do this for them and we even invoice the companies so this has to be the most stress free franchise opportunity in the UK.

All information can be found on

Just lunched in Florida and Nairobi this week, and Kathmandu which is up but just needs some finishing touches and our big goal is to have businesses networking worldwide with the UK though the online directory platform.

Below is the sign up form which can be emailed to the prospective business, they fill in the form we then build them the microsite and send back the link once approved the site goes live (simple).

It has taken a while to get this to this point and I own these sites all over the world and it has cost me a fortune as you can imagine we have gone through many designs and the dashboard and bits behind the scene have taken muck trails and tribulation but we are now ready to take on the world.

– From Founder Paul Nash

Contact: Megan Johnson-Zucaro